Hello, darlings! Great strides have been made since my last update. Relatively. And I just wanted to hop on here and share for those who have since opted to receive these updates by email. First, the progress bars!
🖤 Dezy Delaceur (+22%): Most notably, the Luxe Gothique Boutique is open for business and features a number of products from the Classique Collection! There are still a few other patterns in this collection and a number of other products I'd like to launch, but Etsy charges per listing and I'm still kind of on the hunt for other manufacturers or tailors who might like to join the team. There is also momentum on the Mythos Reimagined series, including a portrait of Hesiodos to accompany the work in both digital and print format, which is coming along rather nicely. The only thing I'm not 100% sure about just yet is how to handle fragmentary work. Do I fill in the blanks pulling from other mythos or do I leave the work fragment and incomplete? I don't know! It will be a surprise for the both of us!
💚 Dezydration (+3%): My creative project website, Dezy's Diner, is officially back up and running! Along with it, I have also reopened both writing and artwork commissions, which can be found under the Services tab on the website. The size optimization is a little wonky on the website at the moment, since I've been using Wix. I'm trying to decide if it's fixable by explore the features Wix has to offer a little bit more or if I should just code everything from the ground up. Eventually, I'll likely end up doing the latter anyway, but that's for later. The website is up and running. My contracts and applications and pricing are online. All is well. As far as the art shop goes, I am currently working on a few YCH (Your Character Here) commissions, adoptables, and art bundles to make available before I can announce it as "officially" open. I'm hoping to have them up this month, as many of them are autumn and Halloween related, but we'll see. I'll probably still offer them even if it's late.
💜 The Witchy Housewife (+1%): I've been slacking a little on the (typically) bimonthly articles to focus on fleshing out the grimoire page of the website. The page hasn't been updated, so all of that has been behind the scenes, but once it's all together, it'll be a big update to the website followed by other things like YouTube videos, books, and oracle decks. My primary focus, however, is still on my book and the accompanying illustrations. Admittedly, I haven't been working on my planner pages lately. I do need to get back to that, because I'd like to release a number of physical editions, and I'll probably also break them up across my different shops by topic. More on that once we get there.
🔒 Secret Projects (+8%): Still a secret. 🤐💞
I came across an artist (and OG Sims content creator) who I used to (and still) adore recently, Ophelia, so I've been feeling extra gooey and nostalgic lately. I hadn't realized, but her art very much inspired much of design preferences, especially in the realm of patterns and mixed media type work. Anyway, with that nostalgia (and the reconstruction of my creative website), I have unofficially returned to DeviantArt. I have also been contemplating returning to Tumblr and Gaia Online. I will remain on Facebook and Twitter, of course, which veer further and further away from their golden age charm each day, but I crave any fragment of the Old Internet that has been left behind, and many of the reasons people left these other websites are silly at best. This isn't to say that there aren't any issues with them; there are a tremendous amount of issues that are neglected by their owners and operators. They are not entirely what they used to be. I just don't see what was so much "better" about the websites that won public favor. Anway, I'm also on Neopets. Add me if you like.
Short and sweet update today. :> Take care. Lots of love and all that jazz.
