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August 2023 Update

Dezy Delaceur

sweater-covered hands holding a foamy cup of coffee in front of an open novel topped with orange and red leaves
(Image Source: Pixabay)

Hello, darlings! As some of you may have noticed, the website has a completely new look and set-up. In lieu of Linktree, I am now using this page as a hub for all links to all of my projects across the interwebs. I am also letting you all know that, at this time, the only social media platforms I will be sharing updates on from here on out are Facebook and Twitter. Social media in general is a dumpster fire right now, which is a conversation for another time, but the tl;dr is that - among other things - most of your posts (if you actually post at all these days) probably aren't being seen very often. Check out my Facebook page stats:

screenshot of stats page for The Witchy Houeswife's Facebook page, 965 followers are highlighted, a post reach number of 55 is also highlighted

<- 965 followers, but my post only showed up for 55 of them. That's bunk.

So check your friends' business pages and share your friends' business posts! Also any small/local business you appreciate!

And no, I am not interested in "optimizing my SEO" or cash-bribing the algorithms. I can't stand "sales pitch"-style writing. It's hollow and demeaning while dressed in those same pseudo-saccharine sentiments that you see in a girls' high school locker room. I'm totally fine going more under the radar if it means I retain an essence of sincerity. I just wish these platforms weren't actively stifling the growth of smaller creators by subduing their reach from even those who have chosen to follow their accounts.

But I digress. You're here for an update. If you've been around for a bit, you'll have also noticed that my previous update has been deleted. Life gets in the way, as it does, and sometimes it's nice to start fresh. This year, my goal has been to limit myself on how many things I'm working on at once, so I narrowed my unrelenting checklist down to a few umbrella goals and have been doing a pretty decent job, actually. And though I am, admittedly, not where I wish I was in terms of goal-completion, I've still made a ton more progress this year than I have in past years. There's been a lot of starting and stopping while trying to do a million things at once. Now I'm only doing a thousand at once. Or something like that. Either way, it's been beneficial. And since I'm a visual gal:

For the record, this will be my update format from here on out. I like seeing my progress, and I like showing you guys that I'm actually making that progress. Now, this is just my first chunk of goals. Keep in my mind that this doesn't mean I need those bars to reach 100% before I start sharing these projects publicly, so let's dive in one at a time.

🖤 Dezy Delaceur: These are personal projects that don't necessarily fit under the other labels: Essays and philosophical discussions, art and design projects that won't fit into the upcoming art shop, personal rants and ramblings, perhaps a musical project eventually. All that good stuff and more. Currently, the focus is on two things in particular: the launch of the Luxe Gothique Boutique and the Mythos Reimagined series.

The Luxe Gothique Boutique will be a lifestyle brand of gothic-leaning designs on furniture and clothing and such, acrylic and watercolor paintings, one-of-a-kind thrifting refurbishes, non-magickal candles and herbal blends, and crepe paper toxic flower bouquets. My first collection will be releasing in the coming weeks of writing this article (at the link above), but you can get some early-access goodies now over on RedBubble. Not all designs will be available there, but the ones that are will only be available for a limited time, so if you like them (especially at those prices), make sure to swoop 'em up asap. By the way, if you're a seamstress interested in going into business with me on this endeavor, I am super interested in designing and selling some more intricate pieces than I am currently able to create with the manufacturers I am currently going with. Feel free to contact me for details.

The Mythos Reimagined series is a personal passion project of mine involving Greek mythology from Archaic to Hellenistic Greece and will be available to read for free here on my website. After completion, I'll also be releasing it as collections for purchase in physical print and digital download. More details to come on collection releases once we get there, but in the meantime, some of the works of Hesiodos should be arriving here before the end of the year. I'd like to finish it in chunks and schedule it rather than posting as I go.

💚 Dezydration: This coming week, I will be working on updating my creative project website. Please be mindful of dead links and wonky pages until then. As it is, this website is not yet mobile-optimized, but it's not super high on my list of priorities for the moment. Beyond this, my current focus is on getting a 2D model designed and rigged for use with my YouTube videos. I have some new ideas for video format and have cleaned up my channel accordingly, keeping only a few choice favorites available for public viewing. Fresh starts and all that. I also am working on the preliminary concept work and outline for my first webcomic, A Little Town Called Lorauvial. That's all I can share about that right now.

I will also be opening an art shop for my more lighthearted original and fan-inspired works once these two things are done. I'll have prints, stickers, original marker works, ready-made design sets, t-shirts, limited-run commission services, and adoptables available once it's up and running. This will also be my space for hosting webcomic merchandise.

💜 The Witchy Housewife: While also at work on bimonthly articles on the website, monthly energy readings and pick-a-cards on Patreon, and custom tarot/oracle spread readings on the shop, I am focusing mostly on a very thorough book on my spiritual/religious path, Chthonic Wicca, including the many illustrations that will go with it. Of course, I am also working on the rest of my planner pages, as well, as previously promised, with one of those bundles already completed and ready for release when all bundles are finished. Once those planner pages are out of the way, I'll be returning to my scented roots and once again selling candles, incense, and oil blends as I did in the beginning, back when it was still called the Orleanian Witch. The website is also due for an update at some point later down the line.

🔒 Secret Projects: If I told you what these projects were, they wouldn't really be a secret. I won't be sharing anything regarding these projects until more progress has been made. The first of these ties into more spiritual workings, the second is a more creative just-for-fun sort of project, and the third is a social media platform which is intended to promote actually being social and harken back to what I'd consider to be the golden age of the internet. I'd mentioned this last project once before, but with development classes under my belt now, it's looking like a much more solid possibility. If anyone is interested in helping to develop this platform, contact me here, and I'll send you a little form to see if you're a good fit for it. Alignment of ideals are absolutely necessary for this, given the current social state.

And that's it for project updates. As far as life updates go, I've ultimately decided - after a lot of completely unnecessary events put on by certain individuals who will not be discussed in this article - to keep most of my personal life private. This doesn't mean I'll shy away from the more personal discussions and essays I wish to share, which will be found over on the DeadJournal (just a play on the death of the popularity of LiveJournal; don't be morbid), but don't assume you know everything about me because you read a few candid posts of mine. Contrary to unusually popular belief, you can be candid without traumadumping or publishing a billboard with all of your personal details. But we'll get there. We'll talk about it. There is momentum here. For now, take care. Lots of love and all that jazz.

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