Contacting Dezy Delaceur
Dezy Delaceur's Favorites
Blacklight Purple (Pantone 266 C)
Ruby Red (Pantone 192 C)
Emerald Green (Pantone 336 C)
Gothic Rock & Darkwave
Heavy, Nu, & Sludge Metal
Horror Punk & Psychobilly
Donnie Darko
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Twin Peaks
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The Hitchhiker's Guide Series
The Killing Joke
Fruit & Vampire Bats
Lykoi "Werewolf" Cats
Spiders & Scarabs
Tartare, Carpaccio, & Sashimi
Pomegranates & Most Berries
Absinthe & Ouzo
Deadly Nightshade
Fly Agaric Mushrooms
Weeping Willow Trees

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Dezy Delaceur's Blurbs
Well, hello there, darling! My name - at least as it's known here on the Great Big Internet of Things - is Dezy Delaceur (which translates to absolutely nothing and stems entirely for my lifelong username of choice, d3zydration). I come from a time when Christmases looked like they did on TV, when selfies were taken for fun rather than advertisement, and when weekends smelled like Blockbuster and food courts. As I now watch the world I once knew fade into the developing bizarre dystopia we live in now, I am tired, but I am hopeful, and it's my goal to share that hope with all who are open to it. This website is my all-inclusive hub on the numerous projects I am working on - the creative, the philosophical, and the spiritual - as well as my LiveJournal-style (lovingly dubbed DeadJournal) thoughts and ramblings. It is my hope that these projects can serve to further my goal in their own unique ways, all without compromising who I am. You will find no SEO-optimized keyword-driven sales pitches here. I tried that once, and it worked, but I hated it. I'm totally convinced the careful manufacturing of our every word and action contributes to today's suffering.
So as an Oracle, I am able to maintain my spirituality. All my life, the strange and unusual has clung to me like damp chiffon - one of those intangible, inexplicable gifts passed on by family. I tried many times to wish it away throughout my youth, but still it clung. I eventually came to accept it for what it was, and The Witchy Housewife was born. Through this avenue, I share my journey and my gifts in hopes of aiding others who may be on a similar path. This is also the hub for all things Chthonic Wicca, as well as my metaphysical goods and services. At the beginning of every month, I also do a whole energy forecast reading and report on my Monthly Blessings Patreon.
As a Philosopher, I am able to maintain my healthy sense of curiosity. I've learned so much about myself and the world around me through a simple habit of always asking questions. As these things tend to, my priorities have shifted with age and experience. There are things that have become quite clear to me in my life that don't quite seem so clear to others. I hope to share what I've learned through a theoretical state of society I call the Osmium Age - a sort of Golden Age without the threat of temporal decline. I'll likely be sharing those ideas here on this website.
As a Creator, I am able to maintain my sense of childlike wonder. Ideas are seeds that are eager to sprout, figments begging to be graced with the breath of life. I am blessed that this inclination is one that have come natural to me. I've always had a fondness for storytelling and visual arts. My entire online presence started on this basis, under the username Dezydration (often written "d3zydration"), through artwork, fanfiction, and thread-based roleplay. Regardless of where this lifetime takes me, my desire to create will never wane.
As a Muse, I am able to maintain my zest for life. I was once teased for my tendency to romanticize the beauty of the human experience. Upon tucking that away to conform to practicality and brutal realism, I realized how dull the world appears on the other side. It was only after hitting rock bottom that I gave myself permission to be myself again, to enjoy life and all it has to offer through my own eyes. With this perspective and all the insight and ideas it brings forth, I hope to inspire others, above all else, to try looking at life the way I do and to share with the world what it is they see through any format they may wish to share it. This includes you, of course.
Life may not be simple right. It may not be a pool of calm or an unending stream of bliss. It may not be any of the things we wish it was, but still, we must live it, if only to make it easier for others to do the same. We have, in this experience, a unique opportunity to realize that we're all sailing in the same boat and to operate from there. So, whoever you are, wherever you are - I hope you enjoy your visit here, and then I hope you go off and make beautiful things, and I hope that I get the pleasure of seeing them. - xo, Dezy