October surprises, my darlings! Many of you have written to me over the past year and a half inquiring about where I’ve been and when I'll be releasing content again. I am absolutely honored that you all have kept me in your thoughts during this time, and I’m pleased to say that I am officially back with a brand new website, refreshed blog posts, a ton of new mystical offerings, and a whole plethora of plans-to-come!
Where Have I Been?
There is a lot to say regarding the past year and a half - both regarding my own life and the world around me. The world now is quite a different one from that of prior to 2020, though in all honesty, I could see the horizon greying over around 2015. This is quite a heavy and intricate topic to get into, and one that is not really suited to a simple update post, so I’ll say this: I took a break in 2020 because I needed some time to myself to figure some things out. Things about myself. Things about the world around me. Just… Quite a lot of things. It was a part of my journey that deserved my full attention in order to get the best possible end result, and so I did just that - and now I’m back with exciting new ideas and teachings to offer all of you.
Without going off on much of a tangent, I know that this is a very dark time for our sweet Gaia and all that dwells upon her, so my hiatus could not possibly have gone on much longer. There are things I need to share with you all in order to do my part in recovering what has been lost. Make no mistake, though, it can be repaired if we all work together. Sweet Gaia has a remarkable way of healing herself once the source of discomfort has been removed.
Anywho, that’s quite enough of the nebulous. Let’s hop right in, shall we?
What's New?
As is most obvious, my website design has been completely revamped to incorporate an entirely new aesthetic - one that is much more suited to me that I like to affectionately refer to as “boho retrogoth” (bit of a mouthful, I know, but it’s the most fitting at this time). You will likely see style come up again in other work of mine, as it serves as the core of my overall style. Included in this aesthetic revamp is my new logo - in my own art style, this time. I wanted every part of this website to feel authentically me, and I feel I’ve done quite a good job in that respect. There are a few things here and there that I may improve upon given time to think on them, but for now, I’d say I’m about 95% happy with the shiny new look of everything.
Two of my old blog articles have been freshened up (namely, Aquacadabra! Manifesting With Water and The Definitive Spiritual Awakening To-Do List). Feel free to pin them on Pinterest or share them in some other format, if you don’t mind! I was hoping to finish cleaning up all of my old articles, but there was just so much to be done, and I didn’t want to delay re-launch any longer. Those are still being worked on and will be released in due time, but for now, enjoy the refresh on the other two. They were some of my more popular reads, after all.
Along with the relaunch of the website, I have also reopened my Etsy shop! Currently, some of my tarot reading services are available for purchase - all of which have been heavily expanded upon from their previous iterations - with more in the works for the near future. These current listings will also likely see some visual revamps by the end of the day. I am also in the process of working on some very useful planner insert printables: Regular ones, but a massive collection of grimoire inserts, manifestation inserts, domestic inserts, and more. Those will be released as completed. After that, I want to look into getting some of my witchy artwork up to bring into your sacred space. I’m still looking into the specifics of it. And finally, I will be getting back to the part that I love most of all: The crafting of witchy oil blends. I’ve been able to really pinpoint my goals in that regard, so I think it will be a very pleasing progression to watch.
In addition, I am now offering a brand new subscription service for those who are interested for a peek into my everyday witchery. This subscription service includes a monthly in-depth energetic reading, a monthly pick-a-card reading, access to my “monthly blessings” collection of rituals, spontaneous aeromancy work, spontaneous capnomancy work, relevant intuitive pings as they come, mystical journal-form thoughts and studies, and an application to an exclusive community of mystic deep divers. There are various tiers available to account for varying financial circumstances, but all tiers receive the same benefits. Many of these things, I already did for myself, but I thought it may be more beneficial for me to share them with you all.
What's To Come?
As you can see, there were a lot of things to freshen up before my October relaunch, and there are many more things still that are almost done but not quite yet. You will be seeing these things, hopefully, over the next couple of months. I’m not going to stress myself as much as I have been in making this relaunch happen, but I am going to continue to work hard!
First and foremost, I’m in the process of finally finishing up those free 5-day courses in self-love work, inner child work, and shadow work - all very important facets of self-improvement and overall growth, in my opinion. And among other freebies I offer, the Digital Grimoire has been outlined and planned, and all I have to do to make it worthy for launch is flesh out the pages. This will hopefully offer tons of excellent information for exploratory purposes.
I am also working on a book regarding my particular path - Chthonic Wicca - as well as an accompanying oracle deck and, eventually, a full companion course. This one will take some time, and there are some other books and oracle decks bubbling and brewing about that are getting attention here and there. Likewise, I have many plans for my blog and YouTube channel that are underway, but these things are all part of a process. In the meantime, feel free to subscribe to the blog below or to subscribe to the YouTube channel now to be notified when new posts or videos finally start going live.
I will also likely be following suit with cleaning up my other social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram), though I’ve got a lot to think about in terms of social media and trying to figure out how to best reject my corporate masters while still maintaining a presence. The balance is a difficult one, and I’m still on a search for suitable competition. There are many promising competitors out there, but none that I’ve quite settled on just yet. Though social media has brought me a lot of wonderful people and experiences, these past couple of years have really taken a 180 to the social sphere, and the changes to these popular platforms are largely responsible for that (though, there is much more to it than just that).
In any case, the important thing to note is that I am officially here, I am officially back, and I am not going anywhere this time, because I have lots of things to do and lots of things to offer to do my part to help make the world a better place. I am looking forward to it.
What Else Is New?
As some of you may also be aware, this endeavor is just one slice of the pie, and there are other facets of my life that may be of interest to you - my philosophy/lifestyle goings-on and my creative endeavors, namely. As far as all of that goes, I will be keeping my Linktree updated regularly as things are launched accordingly.
So, I hope you are all prepared for an abundant harvest of content this October! I am very excited for the Samhain season, and I think if we collectively put forth our efforts to bring good into the world through our gifts and our ideas, we can beat that looming existential dread. We are entirely capable of achieving happiness, success, and abundance in our own lives, and there is more than enough to go around this beautiful world. Love and blessings.
(Excited for all the new content? Share the update with your loved ones using one of the social icons below, or subscribe to be notified of new blog posts as they come!)